Friday, March 25, 2011

Sad Fact

It is a sad fact that is no book of York County history.   Yes, I know that there are several books on Yorktown and one on Seaford and one on Grafton, but there is no one volume of written York County history that would cover the entire county.  This is particulary sad because York County was one of Virginia's original shires or counties. 
  The York County Historical Committee has looked into this and contacted historian and author Martha McCartney to consider writing the book.  She has written such books on James City County and Hanover County and a smaller book on Gloucester County history. The major problem is that of price. I think she was asking $40,000.  That is a lot of bake sales. Right now, the project seems to be on the back burner with the committee. 
  So, what to do?  I wish I had an answer.  One thought might be to have the various historians write a history ourselves.  There are several people whose research interests covers the various stages of York County history.  This is partially being done by the Historical Committee's fact sheet committee.  This group is following up and adding to the fact sheets that were compiled by the late Dick Ivy.  I have contributed about six of my stories to this group.   Maybe this is the answer to York County's lack of a total county history

Sunday, March 20, 2011

New York County Va History Blog

Well, I am back. I used to have the blog, but with changing providers and all, I have some how lost access to it. It is still out there and I still go to every so often, but I can add to it.
So here is the new one. 
 Here is what is going on.  The York County Historical Society is still in business. We are nearly eleven years old and still meet on the first Monday of each month.  We are now more on an oral history group.
  I am on the "Fact Sheets Commitee" of the York County Historical Committee. I have submitted about a half a dozen stories to them.
  I am also a member of the York County Civil War Sequicentenial Committee. I will shorten that to 150th Committee.  We  have a lot of things going on and will try to keep you informed.
 I am also more active in the Poquoson Historical Society,.
 Well that is about it for now, there will be much more to follow.
           Frank Green